The Separation Preparation Program™️ equips you to navigate your divorce with clarity, dignity, and integrity.

→ On-demand, self-paced course

→ Practical & actionable resources

→ Unlimited access

→ 21-day money-back guarantee

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You’ve got this.

The divorce process can be emotionally draining, financially risky, and legally complicated. With kids in the mix, the stakes feel even higher.

I want you to know your divorce doesn't have to be a nightmare. You can walk this road with confidence and grace, and come out the other side with your head held high.

The Separation Preparation Program™️ shows you how.

Start today

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Let's go one step at a time.

Many women navigating divorce don't know what they don't know, and it's easy to get caught up in all the what-ifs.

The Separation Preparation Program™️ walks you through every step, in the right order, so you feel calm, confident, and clear-headed the whole way through.

Module 1 | Support your mental & physical health

Module 2 | Protect yourself & your children

Module 3 | Clarify your legal & financial pathways

Module 4 | Have the conversation with your spouse

Start today